Laravel hasManyThrough

There is the useful hasManyThrough in Eloquent in which you can you 3 Tables and define which keys to use to join them.

Laravels example and documentation can be found here .
There is a little detail problem with it, it is all called id and the example wasn’t helping me much.

I have the following tables to handle job applications to jobs
– id
– title
– description

– id
– firstname
– lastname

– id
– user_id
– job_id
– application_date

In the jobsmodel I want to get a list of all applicants.
Here is the first version of this

public function applicants(): HasManyThrough
    return $this->hasManyThrough(

While testing I received some strange applicants which never applied for the job.

After debugging I found that the last 'id' uses to load the users with Bug found.
It should really be application.user_id to load the correct users. So a small change to this:

public function applicants(): HasManyThrough
    return $this->hasManyThrough(
        'job_id', // (application.job_id)
        'id', // Foreign key on User table (
        'id', // Local key on job table (
        'user_id' // Local key on Application table (application.user_id)

So changing the last id to user_id fixed that bug.